Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wonderful words...

Please go over here for inspiration today!!!! Her wonderful words are always inspiring and remind me that I always have little eyes watching's post is especially touching because I too have a four year old asking those pivotal questions...thank you Ann for sharing! (photo Flickr/Angel of Light)


  1. Wow! Enjoyed reading this so much....what a responsibility we have to those placed in and around our lives. So humbling :-)

  2. such a great link. Last night the kiddos and I were driving home late from the grandparents and we got into some Jesus talk. Much deeper than I would have expected from a 4 & 3 year old. somewhere ellie picked up that in order to go to Heaven we have to die on the cross, she was scared. so sad, but I think we got it straightened out. so hard to explain the death part to little ones. so hard.

  3. Paula that is so four year old is grasping at things but just doesn't fully understand it yet - but isn't it so wonderful that they are asking those questions!!!

  4. Hi Donna
    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your postings! God is smiling at your sweet and willing spirit. God bless you. Leah


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