Friday, April 16, 2010

A shout out to Nashville...

I just sat down yesterday to browse through the Country Living from April....and this is what I found...
A home out of Nashville featuring Kayce Hughes and her family! Love her home, love her style...
immediately had to google her...that's when I found this....
Her clothing line called Pears and Bears...she carries Women, Children, and Accessories! The above are some of my favorites! Go check them out and Happy Friday!


  1. Yeah Nashville! I can't wait to see this!

  2. I love the gallery wall in the first image- such a pretty room!

  3. I was just smitten with her home.

  4. loved seeing kayce's decorating style. definitely no surprise as her clothing line is so fantastic. we just interviewed kayce! her inspirations and photos of her children, wow!


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