Friday, October 15, 2010

Inspiration Friday!

It has been a looonnnngggg and crazy week! This is a rundown of what's been going on over here:
  • We filled last weekend with a camping trip and a visit to mimi and papaw's house...we were all pretty tired by Sunday night!
  • School started back this week - goodbye Fall break!
  • Basketball season has officially started (well, it never really ends for us) but now my husband is pulling 10 to 11 hour days...that's just until games begin...then we miss him terribly because some of those turn into 15 hour days!!!
  • We have been passing around the stomach bug...definitely not fun when you are 18weeks pregnant...I am still trying to get caught up from that!
  • Had several client projects going this has given me a little boost in creativity...which is good because I was feeling "stale".

So to leave you with a bit of inspiration...these are some things I am loving right now!

Love this kitchen...can't figure out where it I found it!
This fabric from Calico graphic prints!
Love this little girl's that I have another girl on the way I will have to save this for future reference!
Love this little gives me some great ideas for a design project!
Happy Friday!!!
Photo credits: Kitchen -don't know:( please let me know if you recognize),Bocca Fabric - Calico Corners, Bedroom and breakfast nook - Lonny Magazine


  1. love all of these--hope that bug passes soon--that is not fun! Love Julie

  2. Hi Donna,
    This is designer Tommy Smythe's old kitchen from the October 2004 issue of Canadian House & Home. It was shot by Michael Graydon.


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